We are proud to announce that we at the end of 2021 have officially added the ISO45001 certification to our management systems. Now we have one united system for work environment, the external environment and quality which supports our core business as one collective unit.
We provide a safe and pleasant work environment for all employees
At Logstrup we want to ensure a safe work environment for all our employees. All Near misses and accidents can be explained and thereby we can prevent repeat accidents. We care for our employees and incorporate good working conditions and prevention in all our doings. This has been our focus for years and is now accomplished with our ISO 45001 certification as well.
Our policy focuses on the employee as being an utmost crucial resource. We have working conditions without violence, threats, bullying or harassment and with respect for diversity and each other. It is as such at the heart of our policy to incorporate good working conditions and prevention in all our doings. From the initial planning and projecting – throughout production and assembly to final operation and maintenance. A strong physical and psychological work environment is key to satisfied and motivated employees and leaders. The ISO45001 Occupational Health Policy is applicable to all employees in Logstrup Denmark.
You can find all of our ceritifications under downloads here.